Grief processing through connection group

The Grief Processing Through Connection group will run for 12 weeks from March 13, 2024 through May 29, 2024, in-person, at the Homestead Valley Community Center in Mill Valley.  This group is for individuals interested in developing grief processing skills through a group experience, in order to deepen their connection to self and others, as they heal from any kind of loss.

Participants often come in with following challenges:

  • Trouble feeling their emotions 

  • Difficulty feeling connected to their body

  • Feeling flooded by emotions 

  • Feeling stuck 

  • Feeling a loss of their sense of self 

  • Having difficulty connecting with others 

  • Feeling alone with their grief

  • Feeling confused or conflicted

  • Feeling afraid or unsure of how to express their emotions 

Through this program, participants will be able to 1) identify and cultivate an individual template of their internal grief process; and 2) distinguish and explore what gets in the way of experiencing and connecting to their emotions, selves, and others. 

During skills-based development, experiential learning, modeling, role playing, and small group discussions, participants will have opportunities to participate in, witness, and practice powerful techniques to help them:

  • Feel more attuned to, aware of and connected to themselves, their emotions and body.

  • Discern and clear obstacles that have kept them from fully exploring their internal grief process(es).

  • Identify internal and external barriers to being their authentic selves in relationships.

  • Move through a sense of stuckness with their grief experience.

  • Take the knowledge and skills learned in this program out into the world with them.

Participants may be in individual therapy or not. Ashley and Claire will have availability for individual sessions, as needed, for those not in individual therapy. The focus of this group will be on grief and loss, however,  content can connect to other past experiences as well. Ashley and Claire will monitor for any acute trauma responses, and provide care for group members both individually and for the group as a whole. This group is not focused on any particular type of grief or loss experience, but rather the processing of the array of emotions that may accompany loss. There is no waiting period post-loss to join this group. All participants will be screened prior to signing up for the group.

The cost is $75 weekly or $900 total for 12 weeks of 60-minute weekly sessions each. The group will include up to 12 participants. This group is a mix of brief lecture, skills training, witnessing experiences, internal processing, and valuable sharing. Reduced cost spots and tiered payment options are available. The group will meet Wednesdays from 4-5pm at the Homestead Valley Community Center in Mill Valley, beginning March 13, 2024, and ending May 29, 2024.